「子ども情報ステーション by ぷるすあるは」精神障がいやこころの不調、発達凸凹をかかえた親とその’子ども’の情報&応援サイト

Happy card English version(ハッピーカード・英語版)

When they’re feeling a bit tired, frustrated, lonely or just anytime they have some spare time. We have made cards of what children can do. On the right-hand side of the third card, children can write down what they want to do.

※Print them on thick paper and cut them out to make cards. You can also colour them in.

※At its native size, the card can be printed on a 10-sided business card sheet (also available at 100 yen shops). Select ‘do not enlarge/reduce’ to print.


制作協力:Marco Loiodice・Mami